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- UtahRodel
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A few days ago, we talked one of our local mountains into letting us on one lift for an afternoon (still negotiating our future); a HUGE leap forward for us and super fun. It’s kind of hard to explain, because you guys have legal sledding, but I’ve only ever sledded any resort here by going at midnight, wearing all black, hiding in the woods from the groomers, and flying down in the darkness, so I was super nervous. I didn’t film (should have) because I had so much else to deal with and didn’t want anything to go bad. Anyway, I was able to ride some medium-steep piste at length, which I’ve never really done before. It was pretty awesome to not be locked into a narrow track, hit sweeping turns down steeper faces and feathering the drift at high speed. There’s definitely a different technique to perfect.
In case we have American lurkers, now or in the future, here is the deal:
Most resorts that allow snowbikes (or snow-gos) use the same four rules: Must have at least two skis; Must have metal edges; Must have only one seat; Must have retention device. We have Lindauer sleds with ski runners so simply took the angle that it’s a “recumbent ski bike”. We got lucky in a few aspects, are not in for good yet, but this is your best chance.
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- FedeC_ITA
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I was talking about this with a friend of mine that is working on the slopes on snow cat in the resort close to my home. With this habit the problem is that they can setup slopes not immediatley after the closing of the day, but they had to wait 1 or 2 am after midnight. In t his way slopes dont' have enough time to become hard in the night and the day after are early destroied by skiers.
Additional possibility is going up to hutte in the mountain, walking as suggeste you Luchs some weeks ago, and go down sledding. There are no specific restrictions except normal human reponsability taking care about pedestrain and other users. Sometimes, but not frequenlty you can meet snowbikes or ski alpine riders. but they go up early in the morning and when they are skiing down are not a problem for sleld riders.
I don't know if I understood correctly your question. I don't know what happen if you walkfup in the night in a ski resort and you come down in the ski slopes, of of course after snowcats finished their job. probably nobody will tell you anything but of course is little bit dangerous.
Winter and water sports
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Winter and water sports
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- Cattleya
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- Lindauer Sportrodel, ohne Kompromis
Das darf man aber nicht weil man in den USA den steuerbaren Rodel nicht kennt und für normale Schlitten die Pisten nicht zugelassen sind .
Die einzigen Streckenteile wo die ich kenne , wo man breite ! Pisten mit Rodeln befahren darf ist 200m Rotenflueh Schwyz
1000m FisLadis
1500m Serfaus
1000m Nauders
Aber ausgenommen auf leerer Piste das Carven, fand ich selbst das teilen der Piste als eher unangenehm. Skifahrer und Snowboarder neigen immer dazu genau vor mir einen Schwung einzulegen . Oft völllig unvorhersehbar in meine Richtung. Rodler sind da einfach zu schwerfällig als dass ich jetz dauerhaft blaue /rote pisten runter möchte .
Es sei den..man würde das Ski fahren endlich verbieten
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- FedeC_ITA
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hahaha If we still want to go up using gondola or lisfts we need ski still surviving.
I think that, if there is enough request from sled riders to have a dedicated ski slope for sledding, this is not a big problem.
In the same way, along the last 15 years, more and more space has been reserved to snowboarders park.
Inside the skiresort where I can find my favorite rodelbahn, there is a ski slope tthat can be easily reserved to sledgers:
It is a blue slope that starts exactly from the begining of the rodelbahn and goes down parallel to rodelbahn.
it would be perfetc. But, how many will use it? Nobody for sure. How many good sled riders do you meet along rodelbahnen except beginners with rental redeln?
Also, if rental users are going down from there without any capability on driving the sled, and without breaks on feet, they will reach for sure a high speed and they will kill themselves against a tree.
probably we can try to a ask to reserve this slope to director of the ski area. I know him, and hi is a Fan about sledding. He trusted a lot on the sled track. He built the track using a GPS connecting peaces of mountain roads togheter obtaining a super demandiing track full of curves for any kind of ray.
I'm almost sure that, if we move there 20 sled riders, probably I can convince him to reserve us this slope for half day, but then? it will be just a one time experiment. After, nobody else will be interested on it.
For us woulld be for sure a funny day. Also because this slope has a permanent parallel giant slalom section, and would be interesting try to do with the sled.
If all of you are interested, net season we can try. And who knows, it is possible that from there will stat a new age. But I don't think so.
Winter and water sports
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- Luchs
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They will also kill a lot of skiers.
Also, if rental users are going down from there without any capability on driving the sled, and without breaks on feet, they will reach for sure a high speed and they will kill themselves against a tree.
It is interesting that in Germany there are two ski-areas, that closed the ski-slopes and kept the rodelbahn:
As natural snow was often not enough on these areas, it became too expansive to prepare the slopes.
But to keep the cable cars running in winter, they concentrated on the sled-runs, Hindelang has 3 of them.
And it seems to work.
If someone really needs to sled on ski-slopes, there is in the Montafon Valley, that turns into a rodelbahn at night:
I think, the "nachtrodelbahn Ischgl" also uses some daytime-ski slopes.
But probably this is more about drinking at the hut and having fun.
Speikboden and Wildkogel are rodelbahn and skislope all of the time.
But of course they are not very steep, as even a modern rodel is not well suited to steep ski slopes.
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- Luchs
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Im unverbauten Bergland kann man sich völlig frei bewegen, auch abseits von Wegen.
In jagdlichen Sperrgebieten und Wildruhezonen muss man auf den Strassen und Wegen bleiben, die der allgemeinen Benützung dienen. Das sind zB. Forststrassen, markierte oder ausgewiesene Wanderwege, Langlaufloipen, Skiabfahrten und Skitourenrouten.
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- UtahRodel
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We did it! We got our local resort (Brighton) to cut us loose for the rest of the year. It’s been crazy fun. Moguls, jumps, 90kmh, carving the whole mountain, etc. I’m aiming to hit the the terrain park and GS course today. I feel a little shy around all the young cool kids who are still standing on skis but we are getting a hilarious range of positive reactions from people.
I’ll post some more video soon, but here’s a teaser:
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- Scheinz
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- UtahRodel
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We are still getting snow here in Utah and have another week at the resort. It has been so cool having free reign. Praying we keep this extraordinary privilege.
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- wheelie
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I could imagine that on some of our slopes, but i´m pretty sure it will never happen.
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- urs
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Excellent stuff - just what I like as well
(But - regretfully - is rather rare here in Europe ...!!) 1)
1) Sorry - it's only in German...
Rodeln im „Süd-Osten“ ? - Rodel Forum (rodelfuehrer.de)
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- UtahRodel
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- Rodelrobert
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that looks really good. So you have your track in America too.
I hope, they don't ban you from the track in the future.
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- Scheinz
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Yes those are Snowboards
I can't tell much about it because this was my second ride
Our Season is over now
I hope i can tell you more next Year
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